Applied Research center Department of Health, Rescue And Treatment of I.R.Iran Police Force, Tehran, Iran ,
Abstract: (960 Views)
Background and aims: Various studies show that current medical education does not meet the needs of students who are going to become general practitioners. The aim of this study was to self-assess of final year medical students of a selected medical university in Tehran Methods: The present study was a descriptive cross-sectional analysis study that was conducted in 2019 on 80 medical interns of a selected medical university. The data collection tool included a demographic information questionnaire and a standard self-assessment questionnaire of interns and family physicians in the field of minimum competencies of general practitioners. Results: In this study, the mean age of students was 26±1.82 years. The average of the highest score of interns related to the clinical communication skills was equal to 3.55±0.64, while the item of practical measures received the lowest score. Conclusion: Medical students and interns need extensive planning to increase their clinical and non-clinical skills in order to train highly qualified physicians in all fields, and according to the principles, five-star physicians by increasing their skills in various fields of medicine.
Vasheghani Farahani M, Mohammadipoor A, Mohammadi Mehr M, Isazadeh M. Self-assessment of final year medical students of a selected university in Tehran in the field of minimum general medical competencies. EBNESINA 2023; 25 (2) :78-84 URL: