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:: Volume 21, Issue 4 (Winter 2019) ::
EBNESINA 2019, 21(4): 25-33 Back to browse issues page
The effectiveness of dialectical behavioral therapy on the reduction of self- injurious behaviors among soldiers with a history of self-injury
Ahad Mohamadi , Parviz Dabaghi * , Mohssen Ahmadi-tahour-soltani
Department of Clinical Psychology, Faculty of Medicine, AJA University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran , dabaghi-44@yahoo.con
Abstract:   (2362 Views)
Background: Self-injurious behaviors are seen in young people and adolescents. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of dialectical behavioral therapy on the reduction of self- injurious behaviors among soldiers with a history of self- injury in a military unit.
Materials and methods: This quasi-experimental study was a pre-test and post-test one with a control group with follow-up. Totally, 20 individual who had the inclusion criteria were randomly selected among soldiers with the history of self- injury. Gratis intentional self-injury behavior questionnaire was used for data collection in pre-test and post-test. After the pre-test, the experimental group was treated in a dialectical behavior therapy. This program was run in 12 sessions of 90 minutes and two sessions a week.
Results: The results showed that dialectical behavior therapy by group method was effective in reducing self-injurious behaviors of soldiers with a history of self- injury in a military unit at the significant level of p=0.04. Also, it was effective in the reduction of intrapersonal and interpersonal functions of self-injurious behaviors among these soldiers
Conclusion: In summary, dialectic behavior therapy had a significant effect in reducing self-injurious behaviors in soldiers with a positive history.
Keywords: Dialectical Behavior Therapy, Self-Injurious Behavior, Soldiers, Military
Full-Text [PDF 678 kb]   (825 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Brief Report |
Received: 2018/10/23 | Accepted: 2020/09/16 | Published: 2019/12/31
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Mohamadi A, Dabaghi P, Ahmadi-tahour-soltani M. The effectiveness of dialectical behavioral therapy on the reduction of self- injurious behaviors among soldiers with a history of self-injury. EBNESINA 2019; 21 (4) :25-33
URL: http://ebnesina.ajaums.ac.ir/article-1-729-en.html

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