پاسخ فشارخون و ضربان قلب به پروتکلها و حرکات مختلف فعالیت مقاومتی
Response of blood pressure and heart rate to various protocols and different movements of resistance exercise [Volume 17, Number 4] |
AKT-binding protein
Effect of high intensity interval training and detraining on gene expression of AKT/FoxO3a in cardiac and soleus muscle of male rats [Volume 22, Number 2] |
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
The impact of acceptance and commitment therapy on reducing of depression and anxiety in patients with type-1 diabetes [Volume 20, Number 1] |
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
The third-wave of cognitive-behavioral therapies for borderline personality disorder in Iran: a systematic review [Volume 21, Number 4] |
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
The effect of 12 weeks combined training on the antioxidant/oxidative indexes in HIV-infected patients [Volume 23, Number 1] |
Acute appendicitis, Diagnosis, Para clinical v
Evaluation of the prevalence of true acute appendicitis in patients suspected to have acute appendicitis referring to Be’sat hospital in 2004 [Volume 9, Number 2] |
Acute appendicitis, Leukocytosis, CRP, ESR
Association rate of leukocytosis increased CRP and ESR with acute appendicitis [Volume 13, Number 1] |
The effect of weight training on the factors involved in fat metabolism in obese and overweight women [Volume 22, Number 3] |
Adipose Tissue
The effect of resistance training on hormones secreted from the adipose tissue (WISP-1 and WISP-2 ) in obese men [Volume 24, Number 3] |
The role of circadian cycle dimensions and biological personality in psychological damage: Study on adolescents [Volume 19, Number 2] |
The effectiveness of family education classes on parental bonding and high-risk behaviors among adolescents [Volume 23, Number 3] |
The effectiveness of family mode deactivation therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, and acceptance-commitment therapy on depression and anxiety of adolescent girls with behavioral problems [Volume 22, Number 2] |
Aerobic Exercise
The effect of glucose consumption on lipid levels, insulin, blood fibrinogen, and plasma viscosity after a session of aerobic exercise in young college men [Volume 18, Number 4] |
Aerospace Medicine
Revisiting pilot mental health assessments: the necessity for updated aviation safety regulations [Volume 26, Number 4] |
Aerospace Medicine
The effect of hypoxia on the selective attention and reaction time among army pilots in the flight simulator of an altitude chamber [Volume 20, Number 2] |
Aerospace Medicine
The effect of microgravity model (hind limb suspension) on the levels of testosterone and LH in rats [Volume 18, Number 1] |
Aerospace medicine, Flight surgeon, IRI Air Force
History of aerospace medicine [Volume 12, Number 2] |
The effect of virtual reality (dream creation) on the happiness of female elders [Volume 22, Number 3] |
Evaluation of relationship between emotional intelligence and mental health and anger among the Air force personnel [Volume 17, Number 1] |
Effectiveness of the dialectical behavior therapy skills training on emotion regulation of aggressive girls [Volume 22, Number 2] |
Effectiveness of combination therapy of computerized cognitive rehabilitation and transcranial direct current stimulation on the cognitive function in elderlies [Volume 22, Number 4] |
Association between age and physical activity level with chest pain symptoms and blood pressure in patients with heart diseases [Volume 21, Number 2] |
Air Force Personnel
Covid-19 in military and civilian pilots [Volume 24, Number 2] |
Air Transport
H1N1A influenza pandemic and transfer by air passengers [Volume 13, Number 3] |
Air transport, Infections, Control
Transmission of infections during commercial air travels [Volume 10, Number 1] |
Air travel, Cardiovascular diseases, Deep vein thrombosis
Air travel and cardiovascular events [Volume 11, Number 1] |
Aircrew, Allergens, Dermatitis; Irritants, Occupation, Pilots
Dermatitis and aircrew [Volume 10, Number 1] |
Assessment of noise-induced hearing loss in the staff of Yazd Airport, 2010-2011 [Volume 15, Number 1] |
The value of thermal scanners in diagnosis of viral diseases in international airports [Volume 16, Number 3] |
Alkylating agent ns
Effects of Mustard gas and its metabolits Mutagenesis on victims of chemical weapons [Volume 12, Number 1] |
Amantadine, Methylphenidate, Attention-Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder
Amantadine versus methylphenidate in children and adolescents with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder: a randomized, double-blind trial [Volume 14, Number 3] |
Reduction of fetuin B in adaptation to pyramidal aerobic exercises and its role in modulating insulin resistance and serum aminotransferases in patients with
type 2 diabetes [Volume 25, Number 1] |
Relationship between thyroid hormones levels and coronary artery disease in euthyroid individuals [Volume 23, Number 2] |
Ankle Joints
Evaluation of military exercises effect joint position senses of ankle and its relation with musculoskeletal injuries among soldiers [Volume 15, Number 1] |
Ankle sprain
Comparison of orthotic taping and ankle bracing in treatment of sprained ankle at a military school [Volume 15, Number 3] |
Bacillus Anthracis as a biological warfare agent [Volume 15, Number 3] |
Anti Bacterial Agents
Biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles by two lichens of “Usnea articulate” and “Ramalina sinensis” and investigation of their antibacterial activity against some pathogenic bacteria [Volume 17, Number 4] |
Antifungal drugs, Flight, Civil, Military
Anti fungal drugs & flight [Volume 10, Number 1] |
The effect of 4-weeks voluntary exercise on separation anxiety disorder in rats [Volume 21, Number 2] |
The effectiveness of the computer training program on the anxiety of primary school students with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder [Volume 25, Number 2] |
Anxiety, Pilot, Office workers
A comparison of anxiety between pilots and office workers [Volume 10, Number 1] |
The effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapy on decreasing health anxiety [Volume 20, Number 2] |
Treatment of nervous system injuries by hyperbaric oxygen: a review of molecular mechanisms [Volume 23, Number 2] |
Armed Conflict
An epidemiological study of hospitalized patients with wounds due to gunshot and fragmentation in a military hospital [Volume 18, Number 3] |
Armed forces personnel
On the relationship between psychological empowerment and job satisfaction in military forces [Volume 15, Number 3] |
Army Personnel
Monitoring of Army cadet's body composition, physical and motion fitness, and establishing national norms [Volume 19, Number 4] |
Army pilots, Low back pain, Risk factors
Evaluation of low back pain and its risk factors among the pilots [Volume 13, Number 1] |
Army, Disinfection, Iran, Water examination, Water resources
Study of drinking water in I.R.I army units [Volume 13, Number 1] |
Protocol for cardiovascular assessment in Air Force [Volume 13, Number 3] |
Atherosclerosis, Hyperlipidemia, Flight
Anti hyperlipidemia drugs and flight [Volume 9, Number 1] |
Assessment of postural control in various knee alignments [Volume 19, Number 4] |
Atrial Natriuretic Factoractor
The effect of eight-week ladder-climbing exercise on the Atrial Natriuretic Peptide (ANP) gene expression in the heart tissue of Wistar male rats [Volume 21, Number 1] |
An investigation on the validity of two self-report questionnaires on attitudes and perceptions towards sex offenders [Volume 23, Number 4] |
The effect of eight weeks corrective games on the rate of navicular bone drop, attention deficit, static and dynamic balance of children with autism spectrum with flat feet [Volume 26, Number 3] |
Evaluation of relationship between somatic symptoms, anxiety, depression and social function with emotional intelligence in the pilots [Volume 15, Number 2] |
Neurofeedback and the need for its use in training pilots [Volume 15, Number 1] |
Pathology of job burnout in aviation staff
and strategies for its reduction [Volume 23, Number 1] |
COVID-19 pandemic and health as well as hygiene guidelines in aviation [Volume 22, Number 2] |
Aviation Medicine
Are flight staffs at higher risk for breast cancer?
[Volume 19, Number 4] |
The study of essential factors in designing a military backpack with a focus on mid-sized backpack [Volume 17, Number 1] |
Bacterial Biotyping
A study of Staphylococcus aureus biotyping in hospital foods [Volume 24, Number 3] |
Bax Protein
Anti-tumor effects of a new triazene compound: A laboratory study [Volume 17, Number 2] |
Bed Occupancy
An investigation of organizational structure in selected hospitals of Tehran and its relationship with hospital performance indicators [Volume 18, Number 2] |
Bioelectrical Impedance
Evaluation of anthropometric and physiological indices for physical conditions of military soldiers of Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 15, Number 1] |
Biologic warfare, Bioterrorism, Microorganism
Biological warfare [Volume 12, Number 4] |
Bioterrorism, Biological defense, Microbial fa
Fighting bioterrorism and controlling the related diseases [Volume 9, Number 1] |
Blood Group
Analysis of factors affecting invasive fungal infections: A systematic review [Volume 26, Number 3] |
Blood Pressure
The relationship of particulate matter (PM2.5 and PM10) and total dietary antioxidant intake with metabolic biomarkers in the elderly living in Tehran city [Volume 21, Number 2] |
Blood Transfusion
Importance of consideration the functional characteristics of artificial blood in post-traumatic bleeding [Volume 25, Number 2] |
Body Mass Index
Effect of high and average intensity interval training on premenstrual syndrome and some health indices of girls [Volume 17, Number 1] |
Body Mass Index
The relationship between body mass index and the level of physical activity with anxiety caused by COVID-19 [Volume 24, Number 1] |
Body Weight
The effect of immobilization and surgery stress on serum ghrelin level, body weight, and food consumption in male rats [Volume 17, Number 3] |
Borderline Personality Disorder
Comparison of the effectiveness of cognitive rehabilitation and drug therapy on executive functions in patients with borderline personality disorder [Volume 25, Number 1] |
The effect of endurance resistance exercise combined with Lcitrulline malate supplement on FGF, VEGF, and fatigue among young bodybuilders [Volume 21, Number 4] |
Brain Natriuretic Peptide
Effect of 24 sessions of high intensity interval training on serum levels of B-type Natriuretic Peptide (BNP) in patients with heart failure [Volume 19, Number 3] |
Bronchiolitis Obliterans
The relationship between fatigue and mental health in chemical warfare victims with bronchiolitis obliterans [Volume 15, Number 2] |
Burning, Amniotic membrane graft
Comparison of efficacy of amniotic membrane graft with usual dressings for burning wounds in Motahhari Hospital: 2005-2006 [Volume 10, Number 3] |
The mediating role of hardiness and job self-efficacy based on social support
in predicting job burnout among staff of a military hospital [Volume 23, Number 1] |
C-Reactive Protein
The effects of resistance and alternative training on some predictors of heart diseases [Volume 18, Number 1] |
CABG, Autologous and Hetrologous transfusion Homeostasis, Hematological Parameters
The effect of autologus and hetrologous transfusion on homeostasis and hematological parameters in cardiac surgery [Volume 9, Number 1] |
CGD, lymphocytic bronchiolitis, Antimycobacterial treatment
CGD presenting with lymphocytic bronchiolitis in an adult (A report of the first case) [Volume 9, Number 3] |
Modeling of the propagation of infectious diseases: mathematics and population [Volume 22, Number 4] |
The role of resilience and self-efficacy in promoting mental health of medical staff during of the COVID-19 pandemic: A narrative review [Volume 24, Number 2] |
Assessing the financial performance of hospitals in the Covid-19 crisis: a case study of a hospital in Tehran [Volume 23, Number 3] |
Efficacy and safety of Remdesivir in patients with Covid-19: A review of systematic reviews and meta-analyses [Volume 24, Number 3] |
Development of the death anxiety model based on the personality traits and cognitive emotion regulation with the mediating role of the anxiety of contracting the coronavirus [Volume 25, Number 4] |
An answer to COVID-19: The need to use the maximum capacity of hospitals [Volume 22, Number 2] |
The effect of endurance swimming training on vascular endothelial growth factor levels in heart of neonatal rats exposed to Cadmium toxicity [Volume 19, Number 3] |
Calcium, Military, Behavioral performrmance
The role of calcium in military nutrition [Volume 10, Number 1] |
Cannabidiol/analogs and derivatives
Effect of eight weeks of swimming training and consumption of CBD oil on the expression of NF-B and 5HT1A genes in heart tissue of rats with myocardial infraction [Volume 23, Number 4] |
Carbon Dioxide
Induction of euthanasia using carbon dioxide in rat: an overview of the available practical guidelines [Volume 23, Number 2] |
Cardiac Troponin
The effect of continues and high intensity training on gene expression of cTnT and cTnT in heart tissue of male rats [Volume 20, Number 3] |
Caries prevalence, DMFT, oral hygiene instruction prevention
Evaluation of DMFT index and level of teeth and mouth hygiene education among students in air force military bases in the year 2008-2009 [Volume 12, Number 4] |
Cellular Immunity
Cellular and humoral immunity investigation in the Air Force Pilots of Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 15, Number 1] |
Cerebrovascular accident (CVA), risk factors
Assessment of risk factors in Cerebrovascular accident patients: Beasat Hospital between 2000 and 2001 [Volume 10, Number 3] |
Chemical Agents
Occupational exposure risk assessment of researchers to harmful chemical agents in Shahid Beheshti university of medical sciences [Volume 13, Number 3] |
Chemotherapy, Recombination, Hybridoma, monoclonal antibody
Monoclonal antibodies [Volume 9, Number 2] |
Evaluation of the effectiveness of floortime play therapy based on developmental individual relationship on improvement of preschool children's shyness [Volume 22, Number 3] |
Child Abuse
Comparison of the effectiveness of emotion-focused and existential group therapy on the dimension of adjustment of child sexual abuse victims in Isfahan [Volume 24, Number 3] |
Chlamydia pneumonia, Antibody IgG, Coronary artery disease
Studying the relationship between previous Chlamydia pneumonia infection with atherosclerotic coronary artery disease [Volume 12, Number 4] |
Chronic Diseases
Orem self-care model for chemical weapons war victims [Volume 17, Number 3] |
Chronic wound, Bum scar, Skin grafting
A successful reconstructive surgery of a chronic wound with a thirty- years history of a burn scar: A case report study [Volume 14, Number 1] |
Investigation of using Fenton oxidation process for ampicillin and ciprofloxacin removal from hospital wastewater [Volume 19, Number 2] |
Climate Change
Nursing knowledge and Climate change [Volume 20, Number 3] |
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Comparing the effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral therapy and process model of emotion regulation on self-efficacy of patients with multiple sclerosis [Volume 24, Number 4] |
Cognitive Dysfunction
Validation of the Addenbrooke’s Cognitive Examination III (ACE-III) in Alzheimer’s disease and Mild Cognitive Impairment [Volume 21, Number 1] |
Black fungus infection and its relationship with the covid-19 disease [Volume 24, Number 1] |
Combinatorial Chemistry Technics
Aptamers: A new approach to detection of target molecules [Volume 18, Number 2] |
The effectiveness of self-help of mindfulness-based emotional balance on emotion dysregulation and self-compassion [Volume 22, Number 4] |
Computer Data Processing
Designing of electronic records for patients admitted to the women ward of Imam Hossein Hospital (Phase I) [Volume 19, Number 4] |
Antecedents and consequences of conflict among nurse managers of Tehran University hospitals [Volume 20, Number 4] |
Quality assessment of abstracts appearing in the first and second Aerospace and Submarine Medicine Congress [Volume 15, Number 3] |
The study examined the relationship between trait personality and stress [Volume 16, Number 1] |
Coronary artery disease, Helicobacter pylori, atherosclerosis
Evaluation of coronary artery disease and Helicobacter pylori infection [Volume 13, Number 1] |
Predicting coronavirus anxiety based on resilience and self-concept in nurses [Volume 25, Number 1] |
The effect of one and two sessions endurance and resistance exercise training per day on serum levels of IgA and cortisol in soccer players [Volume 23, Number 2] |
Cosmic radiation, Pregnancy, Recommendation
Pregnancy and In Flight Cosmic Radiation [Volume 9, Number 3] |
The effect of interval training with curcumin supplementation on LRP1 and beta amyloid levels in rats with Alzheimer's disease [Volume 23, Number 4] |
Are inflammatory markers criteria for predicting mortality in covid-19 patients? [Volume 23, Number 4] |
Cytotoxic Agentsic
Evaluation of mutagenicity and cytotoxic activity of biosynthetic silver nanoparticles [Volume 20, Number 1] |
DMF index, Military, Aircrew members
Study of DMF index in aircrew members of Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force [Volume 11, Number 1] |
Decision Making
Identifying and prioritizing approaches to deal with the Covid-19 outbreak [Volume 24, Number 4] |
Defense Mechanisms
An evaluation of providing psychological interventions during coronavirus disease (COVID-19): a narrative review [Volume 22, Number 1] |
Delivery of Health Care
Strategic purchasing tactics of health services: a systematic review in cancer [Volume 21, Number 4] |
Delphi Technique
Designing an organizational resilience model with future research in medical sciences universities:
A qualitative study [Volume 26, Number 2] |
Demographic Factors
The relationship between job burnout and some demographic characteristics among nurses of AJA hospitals in Tehran [Volume 17, Number 4] |
Dental biofilm, Odontogenic infection, Antibiotic, Dental pulp
A review of antibiotic therapies for odontogenic infections with pulpal origin [Volume 13, Number 1] |
The effect of omega-3 fatty acid supplementation and aerobic exercise on the depression of obese women [Volume 20, Number 2] |
Depression, Soldiers Resting-place, Age, Duration of service
Evaluation of depression among soldiers in one resting place of Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force [Volume 11, Number 1] |
Detection, Bioterrorism, Nano-sensor
Early detection of bioterrorism agents by nano-sensors [Volume 11, Number 1] |
Diabetes Mellitus
Correlation between fasting blood glucose and salivary glucose level [Volume 24, Number 1] |
Dialysis adequacy, Hemodialysis patients
The assessment of dialysis adequacy among hemodialysis patients in Tehran City [Volume 14, Number 1] |
Comparison of the effects of aerobic exercise and low-carb diet on Vaspin and Interlukine-6 in type II diabetic rats [Volume 20, Number 3] |
Investigation of the effect of using Vinasse in the feed of Holstein male calves on the quality of their meat as a meal in the armies food ration [Volume 21, Number 3] |
Disabilitary, Active duty Time
Study of the effect of different causes of disability and early retirement in air force personnel between 1992-2003 [Volume 13, Number 1] |
Disaster Medicine
Nursing care in disasters and incidents [Volume 21, Number 2] |
Disaster Planning
Explanation of a process-based model for crisis medicine: a qualitative study [Volume 21, Number 3] |
Disaster, Behavioral patterns, Disaster management
Behavioral patterns in disaster [Volume 11, Number 2] |
Analyzing the role of combat medics in rescue operations and transporting of injured individuals during a crisis [Volume 26, Number 4] |
The effect of long-term use of smart mobile phones on the structural profile of the upper half of the body and quality of life [Volume 26, Number 3] |
The comparison of the effectiveness of schema-based, emotional focused, and acceptance and commitment couple therapy on reduceing the desire for divorce of couples among military families on the verge of divorce [Volume 25, Number 2] |
Comparative study of military medical documentation systems in the USA, Australia, the UK and Iran [Volume 15, Number 3] |
Comparison of Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPI) with Anti-Helicobacter Pylori therapy in the relief of clinical symptoms of dyspepsia in a military hospital [Volume 19, Number 2] |
Dysport injection, Lateral internal Sphincterotomy, Anal fissure
Frequency of complications in Dysport injection and Lateral internal Sphincterotomy in patients with anal fissure in Be’sat hospital (2003 [Volume 9, Number 3] |
E. coli
Effect of supplemental zinc on the E.coli infection in vitro model of space travel [Volume 15, Number 4] |
Early retirement
Study of disability and early retirement in the IRIAF 1371-1382 [Volume 12, Number 1] |
The crowned virus: The virus that conquers the world [Volume 22, Number 1] |
Comparison of lifestyle between hypertension patients and healthy people [Volume 18, Number 4] |
Education Learning Disorders
The effect of instructional design models and methods on motivation and achievement of learners with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) [Volume 18, Number 1] |
Acute effect of proprioceptive exercises on balance, joint position sense and muscle strength among elder and adult [Volume 26, Number 1] |
The comparison of different order of concurrent training on plasma myonectin levels, insulin resistance index and anthropometric characteristics of elderly women [Volume 16, Number 4] |
The effect of whole body vibration and somatosensory training on the balance of healthy elderly men [Volume 16, Number 4] |
Application of Holter monitoring devices in disaster medicine for the reduction of time wasting [Volume 19, Number 4] |
Emotional Adjustment
The effectiveness of self-healing training on job burnout, quality of life, and emotional flexibility in Isfahan's social emergency personnel [Volume 23, Number 2] |
Emotional Regulation
The effectiveness of emotion regulation training on resilience of women with type 2 diabetes [Volume 24, Number 1] |
The relationships of emotional expressiveness, positive affect, and negative affect with dark triad personality traits (Machiavellianism, narcissism, Psychopathy) [Volume 18, Number 2] |
Comparing the effectiveness of individual counseling based on compassion therapy with family therapy counseling based on bowen's emotional system on social adjustment of depressed adolescent girls [Volume 23, Number 3] |
Self-care approach: double-edged sword of health system [Volume 24, Number 3] |
Energy, Energy use management, Saving, Usage standard
Comparative study on energy usage status and its management in Farabi Eye Hospital [Volume 14, Number 3] |
Epidemiological Monitoring
Consequences of traffic accidents leading to injuries and hospitalization in motorcyclists of Dezful [Volume 25, Number 1] |
Epidemiology, Measles, Vaccination, Antibody response, Antibody titer
Evaluation of the measles antibody titer in military recruits [Volume 12, Number 2] |
Evaluation the effect of erythropoietin on osteoporosis in a microgravity simulation model [Volume 17, Number 1] |
Effect of six weeks low intensity interval training on expression of atrial and brain natriuretic peptide genes following myocardial infarction in rat [Volume 21, Number 2] |
Exercise Training
Evaluation of fibrinogen and lipoprotein(a) levels in athlete and non-athlete disabled veteran men [Volume 21, Number 2] |
A review of apoptosis in diabetic patients with the approach of exercise activity [Volume 26, Number 3] |
Experiential avoidance
The mediating role of experimental avoidance in the relationship between self-compassion and psychological well-being in people with multiple sclerosis [Volume 24, Number 4] |
Eye Disease
The most common ophthalmic reasons in exemption from military service [Volume 18, Number 4] |
Eye Movement
The effect of internal and external attention focus on quiet eye characteristics of military elite shooters [Volume 20, Number 3] |
Effect of eight weeks yoga on changes in respiratory gases and O2Pulse in active young women [Volume 18, Number 4] |
A comparison study of body image, psychopathological symptoms, and emotion regulation in athlete and non-athlete
[Volume 20, Number 4] |
Fever of unknown origin, Atrium myxoma, Surgical operation
Atrium myxoma as FUO [Volume 9, Number 1] |
Influence of short-term exposures to air pollution on physical fitness, respiratory volumes, and some blood factors in firefighters [Volume 17, Number 2] |
Flight Risk
Evaluation of air traveling risks for pregnant woman [Volume 13, Number 3] |
Flight, Drug, Thyroid, Pilot
Thyroid & Antithyroid Drugs and Flight [Volume 9, Number 3] |
Food Microbiology
Formulation and prototype development of an emergency ration with long shelf life and evaluation of its sensory and microbial characteristics [Volume 21, Number 1] |
Food Packagingg
Development of nanotechnology to improve the capability of maintaining critical and operational rations [Volume 20, Number 3] |
Food Poisoning
Investigation the prevalence of Staphylococcus aureus strain isolated from the foods of patients’ gavage samples and determination of their antibiotic resistance patterns in a military hospital in Tehran [Volume 24, Number 4] |
Forecasting the number of dispatches for prehospital emergency traffic accidents in Mashhad [Volume 24, Number 2] |
Fresh Water
The alternative of water desalination in areas with water crisis and energy production from wastewater using a microalgal desalination cell [Volume 25, Number 1] |
Jet lag [Volume 9, Number 3] |
Functional ability
Providing a document and comprehensive health plans in the air force: An organizational requisite [Volume 17, Number 3] |
The perspective of 2030 nursing profession in Iran [Volume 21, Number 2] |
Comparing the effect of duloxetine with gabapentin in the treatment of diabetic peripheral neuropathy: A randomized clinical trial [Volume 16, Number 3] |
Gene Expressions
Evaluating the diagnostic value of Argonaute 2 gene expression changes in patients with colorectal cancer [Volume 20, Number 3] |
Genetic Variation
Molecular and genetic mechanisms
of physiological adaptations
in high- altitude natives
Molecular and genetic mechanisms
of physiological adaptations
in high- altitude natives [Volume 21, Number 4] |
The combined effect of low impact aerobic exercise and omega-3 supplementation on serum C-reactive protein level and lipid profile in elderly women [Volume 17, Number 3] |
Glycemic Control
The effect of eight weeks of moderate intensity body pump training on iron-related indices in women with type II diabetes [Volume 24, Number 1] |
Gynecological and Obstetrics emergency, Flight, Critical situation
Gynecological problems in flight [Volume 9, Number 2] |
H1N1 influenza, pandemy, oseltamivir
H1N1 influenza among suspected patients in Bes'at IRIAF hospital Nov and Dec 2009: A case-series [Volume 12, Number 4] |
Need assessment of implementation of HACCP system (food safety and hygiene) in one of IRI Army hospitals as a model for other armed forces hospitals [Volume 20, Number 1] |
HIV, HLA, Progression
The evaluation of association between HLA and disease progression among HIV/ADIS patients referred to Imam Khomeyni Hospital [Volume 14, Number 3] |
HSV, Infection, Flight, Drug
Anti HSV drugs and flight [Volume 9, Number 2] |
The mediating role of happiness and professional ethics in relationship between of quantum leadership, with organizational health, and quality of work life in the Aja University of Medical Sciences [Volume 24, Number 3] |
Health Inequity
Coronavirus, stigma and discrimination [Volume 25, Number 4] |
Health equity
Equity in geographical distribution of hospital beds in Khuzestan Province [Volume 22, Number 2] |
Health perssonnel
Knowledge, attitudes, and perceptions of health professionals in relation to H1N1 influenza and its vaccine [Volume 20, Number 1] |
Hearing loss, Questionnaire, Audiometry
Elderly hearing loss Screening, Questionnaire Vs Audiometry [Volume 9, Number 3] |
Helicobacter pylori, Infection, Diagnosis, Treatment
The Role of probiotics in the treatment and prevention of H.pylori Infection [Volume 9, Number 3] |
Effect of short- term cocoa supplementation on hemoglobin and hematocrit after an incremental exhaustive exercise [Volume 17, Number 1] |
Dialysis adequacy in chronic hemodialysis patients in a military hospital [Volume 17, Number 2] |
The effectiveness of acceptance and commitment therapy in quality of life and blood pressure index of hemodialysis patients [Volume 23, Number 1] |
The effectiveness of acceptance and commitment therapy in quality of life and blood pressure index of hemodialysis patients [Volume 23, Number 1] |
Hepatitis B, HBs antibody titer, nurse’s aid students, Be\'sat Hospital
Evaluation of anti-hepatitis B antibody among nurse’s aid conservatory students of IRIAF Be’sat Hospital [Volume 12, Number 4] |
The effects of six weeks anaerobic training and carbohydrate consumption on plasma levels of interleukin-6, hepcidin, and iron in military men [Volume 18, Number 3] |
High frequency, Sound, Hearing
The effect of high frequency sounds on hearing [Volume 12, Number 2] |
Hindlimb Suspension
The effect of HIIT before and after hindlimb suspension on the gene expression of MSTN and ActrIIB in skeletal muscle of male Wistar rats [Volume 26, Number 3] |
Holmium laser, benign prostate hyperplasia, lithotripsy
Application of Holmium laser in urology [Volume 11, Number 2] |
Assessment of the density and type of the bio-aerosols associated with nosocomial infection in different wards of the selective AJA hospitals in Tehran [Volume 19, Number 4] |
The comparison of health information management system in physical medicine clinic of a military hospital with civilian university hospitals in Tehran city [Volume 15, Number 4] |
Economic evaluation of outsourcing in a military hospital in Tehran [Volume 25, Number 4] |
Assessing the economic feasibility and cost-benefit analysis of implementing burn services in armed forces hospitals: A case study of Be'sat Hospital in Tehran [Volume 26, Number 1] |
An investigation of the relationship between conflict management and job satisfaction among employees of Kerman hospitals [Volume 18, Number 1] |
Investigation of the relationship between individual characteristics with quality of work life of nurses in hospitals of AJA in Tehran [Volume 17, Number 2] |
Hospital Administration
Technical efficiency evaluation of military hospitals in Iran using data envelopment analysis [Volume 21, Number 1] |
The relationship between accountability and quality of medical services and their relationship with organizational prestige in public hospitals [Volume 23, Number 3] |
Functional analysis of hospital management in selected military hospitals using Weisbord's [Volume 15, Number 3] |
A survey on awareness of health staff in the face of nuclear accidents at military hospitals [Volume 16, Number 3] |
Systematic predicting human error in health care providers using SHERPA technique:
A review study [Volume 26, Number 2] |
The Interactive role of exercise and satellite cells in skeletal muscle regeneration and hypertrophy [Volume 16, Number 4] |
Ice massage, Labor pain, Parturient Women
Study the effect of ice massage on labor pain in parturient women who reffered to allocated hospitals in Tehran city [Volume 14, Number 1] |
Idealistic Management Model
The students’ attitude of Aja University of Medical Sciences toward the idealistic management model [Volume 21, Number 2] |
Idiopathic granulomatous mastitis, Mammary carcinoma, Mastectomy
Idiopathic granulomatous mastitis: Case report and review of the literature [Volume 9, Number 2] |
The effect of Cold-Water Immersion on blood lactate levels and functional indicators after the repetitive sessions of simulated competition [Volume 24, Number 2] |
Importance of recombinant vaccines for immunizing against biological agents in army forces [Volume 15, Number 2] |
Infectious diseases
Probiotics as a suitable replacement for common antibiotics against infectious disease [Volume 13, Number 3] |
The mediating role of psychological flexibility in the relationship between self-efficacy and health-promoting behaviors in infertile women [Volume 23, Number 3] |
Guidelines for risk assessment of infectious diseases transmitted on aircraft: Influenza [Volume 21, Number 4] |
Injured people
Determinant mechanisms of consciousness level for injured individuals: Application in aid and transportation [Volume 13, Number 3] |
Investigation of shooters’ body characteristics effect on weapon recoil injury [Volume 15, Number 2] |
Insulin Resistance
Comparison of the effects of eight weeks of resistance training and ginseng supplementation on growth hormone and insulin resistance in Syrian male mice under lower extremity suspension conditions [Volume 22, Number 2] |
Insulin-like growth factor 1
The effect of blood flow restricted resistance training on serum hormone levels in relation to muscle size and strength in young men [Volume 15, Number 4] |
Intensive Care Unit
Epidemiology of microbial infections in the intensive care unit of Rasoul Akram Hospital in Tehran during 2016-2018 [Volume 25, Number 2] |
Intensive care unit, Nosocomial infection, Infection control
Nosocomial infection [Volume 13, Number 1] |
The effect of adolescent treadmill mandatory exercise on symptoms of depression and brain inflammatory responses following maternal separation stress in mature male rats [Volume 19, Number 4] |
The effect of log book design and implementation on students’ satisfaction and performance during a nursing internship course in a military psychiatric hospital [Volume 18, Number 2] |
Interrupted Time Series Analysis
The impact of the national vaccination program on COVID-19 Infection Trends in Iran: An interrupted time series analysis [Volume 26, Number 2] |
Investigating the health systems of the word's armies and providing an appropriate model [Volume 22, Number 3] |
The motivation of participation among Iranian elderly in physical activities between different occupational, educational, and age groups [Volume 21, Number 2] |
Investigating the level of awareness and the observation the charter of patient rights from the perspective of patients and nurses in Iran: a systematic review [Volume 24, Number 4] |
A review of the prevalence of post-earthquake infectious diseases in Iran with emphasis on the role of the health system [Volume 23, Number 1] |
A review on physical fitness studies in military forces [Volume 16, Number 4] |
Reasons for low efficiency in Iranian hospitals: a scoping review of two decades of research [Volume 22, Number 1] |
Iron Deficiency Anemia
Vitamin D deficiency and iron deficiency anemia [Volume 18, Number 1] |
Iron, Nutrition, Military
The role of nutritional iron in military personnel [Volume 13, Number 1] |
Jet lag, Symptoms, Treatment
Jet lag [Volume 13, Number 1] |
Job Satisfactions
Structural modeling for predicting job burnout based on organizational commitment mediated by job wellbeing of nurses [Volume 23, Number 4] |
Knee osteoarthritis, Glucosamine sulfate Ginger powder
Comparison between the effectiveness of glucosamine sulfate and zintoma on clinical improvement of knee osteoarthritis [Volume 14, Number 3] |
LBP, Disability, Bank personnel
Estimation of the prevalence of low back pain and related disability in bank office workers in western Tehran [Volume 9, Number 2] |
LRP1 protein/human
The effect of a moderate-intensity interval training on the plasma levels of LDL receptor-related protein-1 (LRP1) and cerebral and plasma levels of amyloid beta in induced Alzheimer's rats [Volume 22, Number 4] |
Laboratory Rats
Induction of polycystic ovary model through one-time injection of estradiol valerate in female adult rats in animal laboratory of
Aja University of Medical Sciences [Volume 26, Number 3] |
Effects of two resistance training methods with different rest intervals on muscular strength and power and blood lactate level [Volume 16, Number 4] |
The effects of short term β-alanine supplementation on blood lactate concentration of young male athletes [Volume 16, Number 4] |
Larvae, History, Biosurgery, Infectious wound, Maggot therapy
Infectious wounds treatment by fly larvae [Volume 10, Number 3] |
Law in Medicine, Medical Misjudgment, Complaint
The level of information and knowledge of air force hospital personnel about law in medicine [Volume 9, Number 1] |
Exercise is Medicine: A call for Iranian physicians to prescribe exercise [Volume 26, Number 1] |
Effect of oral administration of fenugreek seeds powdered on lipid profile [Volume 17, Number 1] |
Lipoprotein a
Effect of eight weeks High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) on some atherogenic factors [Volume 23, Number 3] |
Liposarcoma after radiotherapy: a case study and literature review [Volume 25, Number 2] |
Liver Enzyme
The effect of methylphenidate and aerobic exercise on male rats' liver enzymes [Volume 21, Number 4] |
Liver enzym
Serum ammonia Level after parenteral nutrition with aminoacid solution among neonates admitted in Ali-Asghar Hospital 2009-2010 [Volume 13, Number 3] |
Locus of control, Self-efficacy, Addict and nonaddict men
Comparison of the locus of control and self-efficacy in addict and nonaddict men [Volume 9, Number 2] |
Lorazepam, Metoclopramide, Vomiting, nausea Chemotherapy patients
The assessment of lorazepam effectiveness to reduce acute and delayed nausea and vomiting among chemotherapy patients: A randomized clinical trial [Volume 14, Number 1] |
Low Back Pain
Determining the frequency of sacralization in patients with low back pain referred to MRI ward of Ali IbneAbitaleb Hospital in Zahedan [Volume 23, Number 2] |
Evaluation of the expression levels of pulmonary HSP70 and HSP90 in response to taper in hypoxic conditions [Volume 21, Number 1] |
Assessment of interleukin-6 level and lung inflammatory cells after high-intensity interval training and stay in hypoxic conditions [Volume 18, Number 3] |
Major Depressive Disorders
The effectiveness of acceptance and commitment therapy in cognitive estimation of patients with bipolar I and major depressive disorder [Volume 20, Number 2] |
Importance of investigating the presence of organo-phosphorus pesticides
(diazinon and malathion)
in milk offered to military centers [Volume 22, Number 4] |
The effect of aerobic exercise in an enriched environment on serum levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), triglycerides, and glucose
in active elderly men [Volume 22, Number 1] |
Effect of eight weeks aerobic exercise combined with consumption of almond in men with elevated blood lipids [Volume 18, Number 2] |
Comparison of effectiveness of integrative behavioral couple therapy and behavioral systems couple therapy in increasing mental health of couples [Volume 19, Number 1] |
Mastalgia, Treatment, Danazol, Bromocriptin
Mastalgia [Volume 9, Number 1] |
Medical Staff
An assessment of preventive risk management in hospitals
of the north of Iran [Volume 20, Number 4] |
Medical Staffs
Comparing the effectiveness of positive-oriented psychotherapy and reality therapy training on compassion fatigue and job burnout in medical staff during the covid-19 pandemic [Volume 26, Number 3] |
Medical exemption, Seizure, Conscription, Costs
Costs assessment of medical exemption due to seizure in conscripts visiting Be'sat Hospital of IRI Air Force in the year 2007 [Volume 12, Number 2] |
The effect of a course of “barre au sol” exercises on pain, endurance, and movement patterns of men with nonspecific chronic low back pain [Volume 25, Number 3] |
Meningococcal infection
Meningococcal infection and its effective vaccines [Volume 12, Number 1] |
Mental Health
Evaluation of mental health status using the 28-item General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-28) among wives of military PTSD patients [Volume 15, Number 2] |
Mental compatibility
The Application of Psychology In the Selection of pilot volunteers [Volume 12, Number 1] |
Mental health, Office employee, military
Study of mental health in the office employees of the Shahid Khazraei military educational center [Volume 11, Number 1] |
Prevalence of depression in soldiers of Iranian military centers: A meta-analysis [Volume 21, Number 4] |
Development and validation a metacognitive-cognitive-behavioral model for obsessive– compulsive disorder [Volume 16, Number 1] |
Determination of the effectiveness of imago relationship therapy in reducing the symptoms of drug abuse and impulse control in men addicted to methamphetamine [Volume 17, Number 1] |
Microbial desalination cell
The technology of Microbial Desalination Cells (MBC) approach to saline wastewater purification [Volume 20, Number 1] |
Physiological and biochemical changes in human spaceflights [Volume 19, Number 2] |
Microorganisms, drug resistance, antibiotic sensitivity, neurosurgery
Study of drug resistant microorganisms in patients with positive culture in neurosurgery ward of Be'sat Hospital in a five year period (2002-2007) [Volume 12, Number 4] |
Investigation of fatigue and burnout among military nurses in emergency department with 12-hour shifts [Volume 21, Number 3] |
Effect of deep generative adversarial networks models in determining the degree of diabetic retinopathy [Volume 24, Number 1] |
Risk and protective factors associated with post-traumatic stress disorder in military veterans and soldiers: A systematic review [Volume 26, Number 1] |
Pilots returning to flight status after coronary artery bypass graft surgery [Volume 22, Number 3] |
The prevalence of state and trait anxiety and its association with demographic variables in nursing students of elected military medical university [Volume 16, Number 1] |
The effect of ranger training on muscular endurance and lipid profile in military students [Volume 20, Number 4] |
The effectiveness of dialectical behavioral therapy on the reduction of self- injurious behaviors among soldiers with a history of self-injury [Volume 21, Number 4] |
The relationship between aspects of identity with suicidal thoughts among army soldiers [Volume 17, Number 4] |
Evaluation of physical and motor readiness of cadets based on army international norms [Volume 18, Number 3] |
The role of personality traits in predicting military students’ resilience [Volume 15, Number 3] |
Military Hospital
Evaluation of the effectiveness of unified protocol for the transdiagnostic treatment and emotion regulation intervention in patients with generalized anxiety disorder in a military hospital [Volume 22, Number 3] |
Military Hospital
Health quality assessment by applying Fuzzy approach: A case study of a military hospital [Volume 17, Number 3] |
Military Hospital
A study of occupational stressors among the nurses in a military hospital [Volume 19, Number 1] |
Military Hospital.
Assessment of clinical skills of nurses in crisis handling in military hospitals [Volume 17, Number 4] |
Military Hospitals
Prevalence of thyroid cancers in selected army hospitals [Volume 22, Number 3] |
Military Hospitals
The role of dominance and subordination in the disruptive behaviors of nurses working at military hospitals: a qualitative content analysis [Volume 23, Number 2] |
Military Medicine
The effects of omega-3 supplement on pulmonary function of ranger troop volunteers participated in classic training [Volume 15, Number 2] |
Military Medicine
Military Dentistry [Volume 15, Number 4] |
Military Personnel
Effect of a course of neuromuscular training on static and dynamic balance of soldiers at risk for lower limb injury [Volume 23, Number 4] |
Military Personnel
The effect of training interventions on the shooting performance of military and sports fields: A systematic review and meta-analysis [Volume 25, Number 3] |
Military Personnel
Investigating the effect of the balance rehabilitation program on vestibulo-ocular reflex of military pilot students [Volume 25, Number 3] |
Military Personnel
Factors affecting the accuracy and performance of shooting in both military and sports fields: A review of the literature [Volume 25, Number 1] |
Military Personnel
Investigation of the relationship between occupational stress and problem-oriented coping style among military personnel with acute coronary syndrome [Volume 18, Number 4] |
Military Personnel
Comparison of the effect of a period of physical fitness training with and without transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) on decision-making and pistol shooting performance [Volume 26, Number 4] |
Military Personnel
The role of resilience, positive/negative emotions, and character strengths in predicting burnout of military personnel [Volume 22, Number 4] |
Military Personnel
Surveying Internet addiction among military parents [Volume 21, Number 3] |
Military Personnel
Investigating the relationship between emotional intelligence and shooting scores among the military staff [Volume 20, Number 2] |
Military Personnel
The effect of Teucrium polium consumption and resistance training on the lipid profile of military staff [Volume 22, Number 1] |
Military psychology, Environmental psychology, Psychological operation
The latest on practical psychology in modern military strategy [Volume 11, Number 1] |
A qualitative evaluation of the wastewater treatment plants performance in one of army units based on effluent quality and comparison with the national environmental standards [Volume 18, Number 4] |
Age and d-NLR, factors affecting the prediction of mortality in COVID-19 [Volume 22, Number 4] |
Motor Cortex
The effect of transcranial direct current stimulation on the treatment of patients with cervical myofascial pain syndrome [Volume 20, Number 1] |
Multiple Sclerosis
The effect of a period of swimming training on Bax and BCL2 in the thymus gland of female rats before induction of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis [Volume 25, Number 1] |
Multiple Sclerosis
Comparison between verbal and active learning effects on cognitive functions in multiple sclerosis patients [Volume 23, Number 4] |
Multiple Sclerosis
The effect of eight weeks aerobic exercise training on nitric oxide level, disability status, and VO2max in women with relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis [Volume 17, Number 2] |
Muscle Strength
An investigation of the prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders, dynamic balance, endurance of trunk flexor and spine extensors muscles, and core muscles strength among the flight staff [Volume 17, Number 4] |
Musculoskeletal System
Risk factors for musculoskeletal injuries after basic combat training among Iranian cadets
[Volume 19, Number 1] |
Musculoskeletal System
Risk factors for musculoskeletal injuries after basic combat training among Iranian cadets
[Volume 19, Number 1] |
Myocardial Infarction
The effect of aerobic exercises and stragol consumption on plasma levels of IL-6, TNFα and IL-10 following a myocardial infarction in male wistar rats [Volume 25, Number 3] |
Effects of exercise preconditioning on the levels of interleukin-6 and 10 of Myocardial in mice with breast cancer [Volume 19, Number 2] |
The effect of exercise training before and after exposure to breast cancer on Bax and Bcl-2 levels on myocardial tissue in female mice [Volume 19, Number 3] |
N. meningitides, Antibiotics, Meningococcal infection
Meningococcal infection and its effective antibiotics [Volume 11, Number 2] |
Navy Personnel
An investigation of loneliness and related factors among the spouses of personnel deployed to long-term naval missions [Volume 18, Number 3] |
Needs Assessments
The necessity of foresight study in disaster medicine [Volume 20, Number 4] |
Negative pressure wound therapy, war wounds, Aeromedical evacuation
The role of negative pressure wound therapy in the treatment of war wounds [Volume 14, Number 1] |
Nephrolitiasis, Life style, Diet, Prevention
Nephrolithiasis: prevention and treatment [Volume 9, Number 1] |
Neurologic Symptoms
Factors in Predicting the severity of neurological decompression sickness in scuba divers [Volume 15, Number 1] |
The effect of electromagnetic field on proliferation and differentiation of
human umbilical cord mesenchymal stemcells to neurons [Volume 21, Number 4] |
Comparison of the concentration of heavy elements and their weekly absorption in consumed rice planted in different regions of Guilan province [Volume 21, Number 4] |
Nitric Oxide
The effect of physical activity on structural and functional arterial adaptations in humans: a narrative review [Volume 24, Number 1] |
Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
The effect of eight weeks of high-intensity interval training on changes in atherogenic parameters and liver enzymes in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver [Volume 23, Number 3] |
The effect of exercise on the immune response in different environmental conditions [Volume 16, Number 3] |
Nurse Managers
Ranking the primary reasons for nurses' migration as perceived by nursing managers in selected hospitals in Tehran [Volume 26, Number 2] |
Investigation of the relationship between work-family conflict and the quality of nursing care among nurses working in the Covid-19 ward [Volume 23, Number 4] |
Prediction of post-traumatic stress disorder based on perceived anxiety caused by coronavirus in nurses [Volume 23, Number 2] |
An investigation of the effect of psychological capital on the burnout of nurses in a military hospital in Tehran [Volume 18, Number 1] |
Nurses, Clinical work, Bioterrorism events
Roll of nurses in bioterrorism [Volume 12, Number 4] |
Nursing Homes
Prevalence and trend of COVID-19 disease in nursing homes of Tehran University of Medical Science and Health Services in 2019-2020 [Volume 25, Number 3] |
Nursing Students
The relationship between self-directed learning and academic success in nursing students of Ahvaz Jondishapur
University of Medical Sciences [Volume 22, Number 4] |
Nursing care model- Chemical victims- Partnership- Quality of life- COPD
A Survey of the effect of partnership care modle on quality of life of chemical Victims Suffering From COPD [Volume 9, Number 3] |
Nursing students
Comparison of the effects of conventional and simulation teaching methods on nursing students’ knowledge in personal protection in chemical attacks [Volume 15, Number 4] |
Nutrition Status
The impact of man-made disasters on children’s nutrition: A review study [Volume 22, Number 2] |
Nutritional Status
Concerns and nutritional needs after natural disasters [Volume 21, Number 3] |
Effect of a three-month aerobic exercise on markers of bone metabolism in obese men [Volume 18, Number 2] |
The effect of high intensity interval training along with consumption of caraway seeds (Carum carvi L.) on liver enzymes, lipid profile, and blood glucose in obese and overweight women [Volume 19, Number 2] |
Effect of interaction between resistance training and fasting on removal of creatinine and glomerular filtration in sedentary women with abdominal obesity [Volume 20, Number 4] |
The effect of TRX suspension resistance training on liver enzymes in obese women [Volume 24, Number 4] |
Occupational Health
Occupational hazard sources for vaccinators in COVID-19 vaccination centers [Volume 24, Number 1] |
Occupational stress, Military personnel, Iran
A review on occupational stress among Iranian military personnel [Volume 14, Number 1] |
Ophthalmic Artery
The role of hyperbaric oxygen therapy in central retinal artery occlusion [Volume 23, Number 3] |
Opioid Maintenance Treatment
The cost-effectiveness of maintenance treatment center with agonist drugs in order to prevent high-risk behaviors: Longitudinal study of selective centers inTehran [Volume 25, Number 1] |
White management approach: Analyzing a challenge in health system managers [Volume 25, Number 1] |
Organizational Culture
The explanation of casual model for employees' job burnout in a military organization using Fuzzy-DEMATEL approach [Volume 19, Number 1] |
Ovarian mass, Prevention, Sonographic findings, Pathology
Refractory evaluation of sonografic and pathologic findings in 100 patients with ovarian mass in Naft hospital [Volume 10, Number 1] |
Oxidative Stress
Assessment of six weeks moderate-intensity aerobic exercise with and without pomegranate extract consumption effects on plasma malondialdehyde level in adult women with type-2 diabetes [Volume 19, Number 3] |
Oxidative Stress
Investigate the role of supplements of pumpkin seeds and exercise activity on oxidative stress factors [Volume 22, Number 2] |
PGC-1-alpha Protein
The effect of eight weeks of daily normobaric hypoxia (60 minutes) on PGC1α content of soleus muscle, insulin resistance, and fasting glucose in type 2 diabetic rats [Volume 22, Number 4] |
Comparison of three aerobic exercise methods with different intensities on PPARγ2 gene expression in subcutaneous adipose tissue of male Wistar rats [Volume 23, Number 2] |
Pain Managements
Comparison of inhaled methoxyflurane and injection of morphine/pethidine for pain relief operational injured patients [Volume 15, Number 4] |
Prevalence of cardiovascular disease risk factors, and metabolic syndrome among military parachutists [Volume 15, Number 1] |
Partnership care model, Hemodialysis patients, Quality of life
Effect assessment of applying the partnership care model on quality of life in hemodialysis patients reffering to Be'sat Hospital of IRI Air Force [Volume 12, Number 2] |
Patient Safety
Factors affecting the patient safety climate in military hospitals [Volume 20, Number 2] |
Patients Transportation
Familiarization with the dimensions of first aid and transport of the injured people in accidents and natural disasters
[Volume 19, Number 1] |
Perceived Information, Cancer patient, Informed consent, clinical research
The perceived information of cancer patients’ informed consent for clinical research [Volume 14, Number 3] |
Personal Autonomy
Reduced discharge against medical advice at the emergency department of Be’sat Hospital in Tehran [Volume 21, Number 1] |
Students adherence to the social, cultural and national identity and impressionability of the soft war [Volume 20, Number 3] |
Comparison of selective attention and executive function between the military forces, artists and ordinary people (non-military – non-artist) [Volume 15, Number 2] |
Physical Activity
COVID-19, physical activity and mental well-being in adults living in Mrkazi Province: an online cross-sectional study [Volume 22, Number 3] |
Physical Activity
Association of physical activity levels with covid-19-related anxiety and anthropometric indices among active and inactive females during the coronavirus pandemic [Volume 25, Number 2] |
Physical Fitness
The effect of six weeks of resistance training and blood flow restriction with active and passive rest on the level of growth hormone and physical fitness of soldiers [Volume 22, Number 3] |
Application of smart wearable systems for health monitoring in military [Volume 20, Number 1] |
Police Forces
The level of immunity against hepatitis B virus among employees of a police unit [Volume 20, Number 4] |
Poliovirus, Polio-free, Microneutralization
Survey of immunity level of type I, II and III poliovirus among children aged 2-3 and adolescents aged 11-15 in Yazd province [Volume 9, Number 1] |
The effect of 16 weeks of aerobic training on activity of serum paraoxonase, arylesterase, and lipid profile in postmenopausal women [Volume 19, Number 3] |
Postpartum Depression
Investigation the relationship between moral intelligence, social adjustment, and postpartum depression in women referring to Birjand health centers [Volume 21, Number 4] |
Postural Balance
Effect of eight-week water and land pilates on female patients with chronic nonspecific low back pain [Volume 21, Number 1] |
Postural Balance
Evaluation of cerebral waves related to balance, pain, and knee proprioception among women with knee osteoarthritis with and without knee instability [Volume 25, Number 2] |
Knowledge, attitude and practice towards the COVID-19 among the citizens of Isfahan [Volume 23, Number 1] |
Advantages and disadvantages of MRI in gestation [Volume 21, Number 3] |
Pregnancy, Rubella, Immunity, Vaccination, Congenital Rubella, Antibody titer
Rubella seroimmunity 6 years after the public vaccination against rubella-measles among students of conservatory Be'sat Hospital of IRI Air Force [Volume 12, Number 2] |
Investigating the relationship between epidemiological factors and the prevalence of head lice infestation (Pediculus capitis) in girls' primary schools in Kabudarahang County [Volume 26, Number 4] |
Prevalence of musculoskeletal pains among nursing staff in AJA hospitals-Tehran [Volume 15, Number 3] |
The best strategiy prevention of VAP for Health care [Volume 13, Number 3] |
Prevention and Control
The role of nutrition and nutritional factors in the prevention and treatment of COVID19: a review study [Volume 22, Number 3] |
Preventive Health Services
Evaluation of health status and correlation between body mass index and visceral fat and bone mass in healthy adults [Volume 21, Number 3] |
Comparison of the aggressiveness and physical fitness between athletes and non-athletes prisoners [Volume 19, Number 2] |
Effect of Lactobacillus ramensus probiotic use and High Intensity Interval Training on the ratio of liver enzymes AST/ALT
in desert mice with steatosis [Volume 25, Number 3] |
Producing of chocolate milk containing microencapsulated probiotic bacteria as a functional food for use in time of war [Volume 18, Number 1] |
Problem Solving
The mediating role of problem-solving skills in the relationship between job meaning and job burnout among nurses [Volume 25, Number 2] |
Comparative effectiveness of emotional regulation training and attributional retraining on reducing procrastination symptoms among students at Aja University of Medical Sciences [Volume 25, Number 4] |
Professional Burnout
The role of personal and occupational factors on suicide and self-harm behavior of military personnel [Volume 17, Number 2] |
Protein Carbonylation
Evaluation of the simultaneous effect of Chlorella vulgaris supplementation and high intensity interval training on resting levels of oxidative stress markers and aerobic fitness in overweight healthy men [Volume 21, Number 3] |
Protein Kinase B
The effect of exercise intervention on angiogenesis gene expression (inducing and inhibiting factors) following myocardial ischemia-reperfusion [Volume 19, Number 3] |
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Effect of culture supernatant of three probiotic bacterial strains of Bifidobacterium on Pseudomonas aeruginosa [Volume 25, Number 3] |
Psychiatric Status Rating Scales
Evaluation of the psychometric properties of a Semi- structured Hoarding Rating Scale-Interview (HRS-I) in a Clinical Sample [Volume 19, Number 2] |
Psychological Resiliency
Comparison of the effectiveness of group training in a positive approach and acceptance and commitment treatment on psychological well-being and resilience in people with HIV [Volume 24, Number 3] |
Psychological Stress
The relationship between job stress and cardiovascular diseases in military personnel [Volume 18, Number 3] |
Psychological Stress
Self-Stigma and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) [Volume 26, Number 2] |
Psychological Tests
Effectiveness of acceptance and commitment group therapy on psychological flexibility and resilience of women with breast cancer [Volume 21, Number 3] |
Effects of aquatic therapy with open and closed kinetic chain exercises on psychological factors, pain, and lumbopelvic stability in men with non-specific chronic low back pain:
A randomized clinical trial [Volume 26, Number 2] |
The effect of 12 weeks of yoga rehabilitation on psychological variables and lumbar and hamstring flexibility in women with chronic low back pain: A quasiexperimental study [Volume 25, Number 4] |
Psychosocial Care
Strategies for improving the implementation of School's Social-Mental Care System of Students in Iranian schools [Volume 24, Number 4] |
Comparing the effectiveness of acceptance and commitment therapy(ACT) and paradoxical time table therapy (PTC) on the psychological well-being of nurses [Volume 25, Number 3] |
Public Health Administration
Psychological empowerment as a facilitator for enhancing organizational citizenship behavior: A case study in the healthcare and treatment sector [Volume 26, Number 1] |
Pulse Oximetry
Clinical role of pulse oximetry in early detection of hypoxia among pilots during flight [Volume 18, Number 4] |
Qualitative Research
Explaining barriers and strategies for exercising from the perspective of patients with multiple sclerosis [Volume 26, Number 1] |
Qualitative Research
Qualitative analysis of family factors affecting emotion regulation in Iranian society: a qualitative content analysis [Volume 24, Number 2] |
Qualitative Research
Experiences of operating room nurses in military hospitals during the COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative study [Volume 25, Number 4] |
Qualitative Research
Ranking of hospital waste management criteria using multi-criteria decision-making approach in selected hospitals [Volume 25, Number 3] |
Qualitative Research
Effective factors on the management of medical equipment maintenance in a military hospital: A qualitative study in Iran [Volume 17, Number 3] |
Qualitative Research
Sexual abuse of the elderly: A hidden subject [Volume 26, Number 4] |
Qualitative Research
Factors affecting on quality of life in patients suffering from spinal cord injuries caused by natural and/or man-made disasters:
A qualitative meta-synthesis study [Volume 22, Number 1] |
Quality of Life
Investigating the ability of motor performance tests to predict frailty and related disorders in elderly men [Volume 26, Number 4] |
Quality of life
The interactive effect of an eight-week moderate-intensity interval exercise regimen combined with selenium supplementation on thyroid hormone levels, lipid profile, and quality of life in women with hypothyroidism [Volume 26, Number 2] |
Determine the psychometric properties by Symptom Checklist-90-Revised (SCL-90-R) among military forces [Volume 17, Number 4] |
Quality of life among soldiers of a military unit in Bandar Abbas city, Iran [Volume 19, Number 1] |
Radioactive elements, Decontamination, Biological damage
Introduction to contaminating radioactive elements and methods of decontamination [Volume 11, Number 2] |
The effect of mandatory treadmill exercise on anxiety-like behaviors and bowel oxidative stress following the maternal separation stress in male rats [Volume 20, Number 2] |
The effect of high-intensity training and detraining on FOXO3a/MuRF1 and MAFbx levels in soleus muscle of male rats [Volume 20, Number 1] |
The effect of a period of aerobic exercise with inhibition of nitric oxide on the fast and slow twitch muscle fibers neurotrypsin levels in elderly male rats [Volume 22, Number 4] |
The effect of eight weeks of resistance training with royal jelly on the oxidative system of hippocampal tissue in rats with Alzheimer's disease [Volume 24, Number 2] |
Role of resistance training with the approach of blood flow restriction in skeletal muscle cell growth [Volume 23, Number 1] |
Real-time PCR
Comparison of OGG1 gene expression level in gastric adenocarcinoma and adjacent normal tissue [Volume 23, Number 2] |
Review of post-traumatic stress disorder related to COVID-19:
the need of preventive intervention [Volume 23, Number 1] |
Impaired sleep quality of students based on circadian biological rhythms: role of the reinforcement sensitivity and gender [Volume 20, Number 1] |
Reliability and psychometric properties of the religious attitude questionnaire in student population [Volume 16, Number 1] |
A comparison of anxiety sensitivity and emotion regulation between substance abusers and healthy people [Volume 17, Number 3] |
Resistance Training
Alteration of serum cathepsins and glycosylated hemoglobin concentrations after aerobic and resistance training
in type 2 diabetic men [Volume 26, Number 2] |
Resistance Trainingg
The effect of continuous aerobic exercise and periodized resistance training on plasma levels of adiponectin and resistin in sedentary obese adolescents [Volume 18, Number 4] |
Retroperitoneal inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor, a case report [Volume 13, Number 1] |
Review Literature
The role of militaries in health management during disasters: A scoping review [Volume 26, Number 2] |
Review Literature
Covid-19 ischemic stroke: a narrative review [Volume 23, Number 4] |
Risk Analyses
The relationship between the incidence of COVID-19 with the underlying diseases in hospitalized patients [Volume 24, Number 3] |
Risk Assessments
Ergonomics characteristics of computer users based on the transtheoretical model-stage of change [Volume 18, Number 2] |
Risk Factors
Military physical training-related injuries: A review of epidemiology and risk factor and prevention strategy studies [Volume 17, Number 2] |
Determining the mental health condition and its correlation with job burnout and life satisfaction in a military university personnel [Volume 13, Number 3] |
The effect of life skills training on addiction potentiality in soldiers [Volume 19, Number 4] |
The effect of eight weeks of Yoga exercise on sustained attention and memory performance in people with Schizophrenia [Volume 21, Number 2] |
Sedentary Lifestyle
Effect of endurance training on serum Apelin levels, C-reactive protein and insulin resistance index in middle-aged sedentary men [Volume 19, Number 3] |
Self Compassion
The effectiveness of self compassion-focused training on well-being psychological and resiliency of mothers with autism children [Volume 23, Number 4] |
Self Efficacy
Designing the causal model of job attachment based on social support and job independence with a mediating role of job self-efficacy among the staff of a military hospital [Volume 22, Number 1] |
Self-assessment of final year medical students of a selected university in Tehran in the field of minimum general medical competencies [Volume 25, Number 2] |
Comparison of the effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy and intensive short-term dynamic psychotherapy on self-compassion in cancer patients [Volume 24, Number 4] |
Self-Injurious Behavior
The effectiveness of group emotion regulation training on feeling shame and coping strategies of self-injury adolescents [Volume 24, Number 3] |
The relation of self-mutilation and personality disorders among military soldiers [Volume 15, Number 4] |
Sesame Oil, Prophylaxis, Phlebitis, Chemotherapy
The preventative role of sesame oil on phlebitis induced by anti-neoplastic agents [Volume 14, Number 1] |
Shift Work Schedule
Comparison of perceived stress and self-handicapping of nurses in different shift work schedules [Volume 20, Number 3] |
Short Message Service
The effect of healthy life style education through sending SMS on blood pressure among pre-hypertensive military personnel [Volume 19, Number 1] |
Signs and Symptoms
Determining the frequency of clinical symptoms in hospitalized patients with COVID-19 [Volume 23, Number 3] |
Simulation Training
The applicability of King-Devick test in early detection of cognitive impairments due to induced hypoxia in military pilots [Volume 20, Number 1] |
Skill manager, Group discussion, Clinical cares
The training of nursing manager's skills with group discussion method, a main step toward the promotion of clinical care quality [Volume 14, Number 1] |
Sleep Disorder
Impact of cognitive-behavioral therapy on self-efficacy, resilience, mental health, and sleep disorders among medical staff working in corona wards [Volume 26, Number 1] |
Sleep Disorder
The effect of aerobic exercise and garlic supplement administration on insulin, glucose, and sleep pattern of prediabetic obese women with sleep disorders [Volume 21, Number 1] |
Social Anxiety
The Effectivnes of acceptance and commitment therapy on anxiety sensitivity and impulsivity in female adolescents with social anxiety disorder [Volume 24, Number 2] |
Social Anxiety Disorder
Comparision the effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapy and acceptance and commitment therapy on social adjustment of adolescents with social anxiety disorder [Volume 26, Number 3] |
Social Network
Training of medical residents based on electronic social media using pictorial, software, audio, video, and virtual reality capabilities [Volume 22, Number 1] |
Social Stigmas
Evaluation of the psychometric properties of the Military Suicide Attitude Questionnaire (MSAQ) among conscripts of the Islamic Republic of Iran Army Ground Forces deployed in Shiraz in 2020 [Volume 26, Number 1] |
Social Support
Evaluation of suicidal thoughts based on substance abuse and social support in soldiers [Volume 16, Number 3] |
Social Support
Structural model of marital boredom based on mental health and perceived social support mediated by personal resilience in infertile women [Volume 24, Number 2] |
Social Support
Developing a model of corona anxiety in students based on optimism and resilience: the mediating role of the perceived social support [Volume 22, Number 1] |
Socioeconomic Levels
Prevalence of illness anxiety disorder among recovered patients after hospitalization with COVID-19 [Volume 25, Number 4] |
Socioeconomic Status
Structural model of the relationship between socioeconomic status and decision-making styles with the mediation of cognitive emotion regulation [Volume 24, Number 4] |
Prevalence of stress, depression, anxiety, and associated factors in conscript soldiers residing in Tehran barracks
during the COVID-19 pandemic [Volume 25, Number 4] |
Assessment of relationship between negative emotion and non-suicidal self-injury behavior: with emphasis on the mediator role of body image and emotion regulation among soldiers [Volume 18, Number 3] |
Effectiveness of problem-solving skills training on mental health rate of soldiers [Volume 16, Number 1] |
The relationship of emotional intelligence with mental health and demographic factors in army soldiers [Volume 18, Number 3] |
Comparison of the effect of endurance and parallel training on physical performance and anthropometric indices of overweight soldiers [Volume 19, Number 3] |
Effectiveness of group training of acceptance and commitment therapy on depression symptoms in soldiers [Volume 18, Number 2] |
Sonic Boom, Shock wave, Sound barrier
Supersonic flight and its effects on the pilot and residential areas [Volume 11, Number 2] |
Spinal injuries, Aircrews, Ejection
Spinal injuries in aircrews following ejection [Volume 14, Number 1] |
Staff development, Documentation, Quality of nursing cares
Nurse's documenting development strategy for improving the quality of nursing cares [Volume 13, Number 1] |
Effectiveness of resilience training on stress and psychological well-being of nurses in a military hospital in Kerman [Volume 19, Number 4] |
The Effectiveness of behavioral activation group therapy on the symptoms of depression, anxiety, and quality of life in medical students [Volume 22, Number 2] |
Construction and validation of a scale for assessment of soft war vulnerability [Volume 18, Number 4] |
The comparison of profile and personality traits in the female students with and without suicidal thoughts [Volume 20, Number 2] |
The relationship between spiritual well-being and self-efficacy in nursing students of a military university in Tehran [Volume 26, Number 2] |
Individual perceptions of Tehran University students about smoking [Volume 17, Number 4] |
Hepatitis B antibody among recruits of a military university in Tehran [Volume 19, Number 2] |
Submarine Medicine
The psychological effect of aerospace, marine and submarine long-term missions [Volume 15, Number 2] |
Substance Abuses
The effectiveness of emotional regulation and mindfulness techniques based on dialectical behavior therapy in improving self-harm and Substance abuse in borderline personality disorder [Volume 26, Number 3] |
The effectiveness of compassion-focused therapy on ambivalence in expressing emotion and impulsivity in people with a history of suicide [Volume 25, Number 2] |
Superoxide Dismutase
The effect of intermittent aerobic exercise and ginger extract on catalase, superoxide dismutase, and malondialdehyde in the hippocampus of aged rats [Volume 26, Number 3] |
Complete recovery of symptoms of a severe manic episode in a patient diagnosed with type 1 bipolar disorder after surgery: A case report [Volume 24, Number 2] |
Post-traumatic stress disorder in earthquake survivors [Volume 21, Number 1] |
The response of plasma homocysteine and atherogenic indicators to one session of endurance swimming training in rats [Volume 16, Number 4] |
Systematic Review
Mucormycosis and COVID-19: A systematic review [Volume 25, Number 4] |
TB, Air travelers
Approach to tuberculosis in air travelers [Volume 14, Number 1] |
Response of acute incremental aerobic activity along with electrical stimulation on some markers of angiogenesis in Isoproterenol induced rats [Volume 26, Number 1] |
Task performance
The effect of neurofeedback (SMR training) on performance and reaction time of individuals who undertake difficult tasks [Volume 15, Number 4] |
Taurine ine.
The effect of eight weeks of taurine supplementation on the amount of myostatin, fasting glucose, and insulin resistance in soleus muscle tissue in male rats with type 2 diabetes [Volume 23, Number 1] |
Ethical consideration in telepsychology: a narrative review [Volume 22, Number 2] |
Temporomandibular Joint Disorders
Prevalence of oral and dental diseases in Iranian military divers [Volume 17, Number 2] |
Practical methods for hospital readiness: exposure to the massive chemical attacks [Volume 13, Number 3] |
Thyroid Hormones
The effect of eight weeks ranger training on pituitary – thyroid axis hormones among cadets [Volume 18, Number 2] |
Tissue Engineering
The effect of mesenchymal stem cells on the process of regulating the function of immune system cells and their application in bone fracture healing [Volume 20, Number 4] |
Training Program
Designing and validating a occupational stress management training for navy personnels [Volume 24, Number 4] |
Training Programs
Effect of eight weeks of high intensity interval training on AMPK and PGC-1α gene expression levels in the Soleus muscles in rats with myocardial infarction [Volume 21, Number 3] |
Transient Receptor Potential Channel
The effect of chronic constriction injury after a period of endurance training on the expression of TRPC1 and TRPC3 in the plantaris muscle of male Wistar rats [Volume 25, Number 4] |
Xerostomia [Volume 13, Number 3] |
Treatment Adherence
Exploring post-discharge connection for HIV-infected patients in residential centers: perspectives from experts and patients [Volume 26, Number 1] |
Triage, Flying transportation, Injured soldiers
Triage and flying transportation in injured soldiers [Volume 12, Number 2] |
Tuberculosis, T-SPOT, Sensitivity, Specificity, Serologic tests
Evaluation T-SPOT TB test in diagnosis of tuberculosis [Volume 10, Number 3] |
Type 2 Diabetes
Effectiveness of treatment acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) on the reduction of depressive symptoms of military personnel with type 2 diabetes mellitus [Volume 18, Number 1] |
Type 2 Diabetes
The effectiveness of acceptance and commitment group therapy on cognitive fusion and health locus of control in patients with type 2 diabetes [Volume 24, Number 1] |
Type 2 Diabetes
Effect of moderate-intensity continuous training and high-intensity interval training with astaxanthin supplementation on inflammatory factors of cardiac tissue in type 2 diabetic rats [Volume 23, Number 3] |
Ultra rapid opioid detoxification, Withdrawal syndrome, General anesthesia
Ultra rapid opioid detoxification [Volume 9, Number 2] |
University Hospitals
Evaluation of safety management in headquarter and clinical setting in selected hospitals of Tehran University of Medical Sciences [Volume 24, Number 2] |
Omicron strain: nature, risk evaluation, and treatment approach [Volume 24, Number 3] |
Varicocel, Infertility, Antisperm antibody
Determination of anti sperm antibody before and after varicocelectomy [Volume 10, Number 1] |
The effectiveness of writing emotional disclosure on the reduction of depression, anxiety, and stress among veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder [Volume 17, Number 3] |
Virtual System
Assess the scale of distance estimation by pilots and non-pilots [Volume 16, Number 3] |
Vitamin C
The effect of aerobic training and consumption of iron and vitamin C supplements on blood iron indices among active females [Volume 20, Number 4] |
The Impact of war on environmental health focusing on the bio-environmental implications of the Iran-Iraq war [Volume 25, Number 3] |
Coping facilitators of health care professionals in the Iran-Iraq war: A qualitative study [Volume 17, Number 3] |
Water Pollution, Army, Microbial Index, Physio-Chemical index
Evaluation the microbial and physio-chemical quality of drinking water in military units [Volume 14, Number 3] |
Water, Disaster
Water in crisis: paths to sustainable water use [Volume 14, Number 1] |
Weight Loss
The effect of 6 weeks interval training with 90% vVO2max on atherogenic index, insulin resistance and beta-cell function in overweight men [Volume 20, Number 3] |
Wistar Rats
The effect of sleep deprivation on cardiac function and tolerance to ischemia-reperfusion injury in male rats [Volume 17, Number 1] |
Wistar Rats
The effect of short-term training and curcumin on the paraoxonase-1 activity after alcohol withdrawal
in male Wistar rats
[Volume 20, Number 4] |
Survival analysis and its related factors among patients with breast cancer referred to a military hospital in Tehran [Volume 25, Number 1] |
The effectiveness of mindfulness based group cognitive therapy on assertiveness of women with breast cancer [Volume 19, Number 2] |
Women Groups
The relationship between pro-inflammatory factors and vascular function after a period of circuit combined training (resistance and endurance) in elderly women [Volume 19, Number 1] |
Work load
The effect continuous high-intensity interval training in hypoxia-normobaric and normoxi condition on serum cytokines in response to exhaustion exercise [Volume 16, Number 4] |
The effect of acute circuit resistance exercise on plasma concentration of Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) in young men [Volume 19, Number 4] |
Zinc Sulfate
Investigating the effect of zinc supplementation on preventing bone resorption in a weightlessness animal model: An experimental study [Volume 26, Number 4] |
adverse effect
Seizure as an adverse effect of hyperbaric oxygen therapy
[Volume 20, Number 2] |
antibiotics, flight, military
Antibiotics and flight [Volume 10, Number 2] |
bioremediation, radioactive wastes, Deinococcus radiodurans
Application of microorganisms in decontaminating radioactive wastes [Volume 11, Number 2] |
disability, cancer, military
The frequency of disabling malignancies in air force personnel during 1371-1382 [Volume 10, Number 2] |
duty soldiers
Behavioral consequence of mental disorder in duty soldiers of prisons [Volume 18, Number 3] |
emergency medical services
Evaluation of trauma system in the pre-hospital approaches for patients with bullet trauma in Mashhad [Volume 15, Number 1] |
equilibrium mechanism
Effects of pressure change on body gas-filled cavities [Volume 12, Number 1] |
fungal disease, respiratory system, bronchoalveolar lavage
Frequency of fungal pathogens in bronchoalveolar lavage and biopsy specimens of patients hospitalized in Chamran and Amir al momenin Hospitals [Volume 10, Number 2] |
Neurology in aviation [Volume 14, Number 3] |
intelligence, intelligence quotient, military
The association between intelligence and compatibility rate in Besat hospital residence's soldiers [Volume 10, Number 2] |
limb dominance
Comparing of asymmetrical activity in the human brain hemisphere between psychiatric inpatients and healthy people by limb dominance (hand, foot, and eye) [Volume 16, Number 1] |
maxillofacial tumor, soft tissue tumor, head and neck
Demographic parameters in patients undergoing head and neck soft tissue tumor surgery in Imam Khomeini Hospital's Plastic Surgery Ward and Cancer Institute between 1372 – 1383 [Volume 10, Number 2] |
micronutrient, zinc, HIV, AIDS
Comparison of zinc plasma level in people with and without HIV infection in Imam Khomeini Hospital, 2006 [Volume 10, Number 3] |
Determination of the psychometric properties of suicide cognitions scale (SCS) among soldiers [Volume 19, Number 2] |
Evaluate the effect of problem solving skills to reduction of suicidal ideation of soldiers [Volume 16, Number 1] |
military families
Evaluation the relationship between gratitude, happiness and mental health among women in military families [Volume 16, Number 1] |
myocardial infarction, echocardiography, mechanical complications
Evaluation of echocardiographic changes among myocardial infarction patients in Beasat Hospital during 2003 [Volume 10, Number 3] |
non-military personnel
Comparison of distribution of physically induced joints pain in military and non-military patients [Volume 12, Number 1] |
pancreatic and duodenal homeobox gene-1
The effect of eight weeks of high-intensity interval training and thyme honey on changes in Pdx1 gene expression in pancreatic tissue and insulin resistance index male rats with type 2 diabetes [Volume 24, Number 1] |
pilonideal disease, treatment, primary repair
A comparison of closed surgery with deep suturing and secondary repair (open) in treating pilonideal disease in Fourth Air Force Base and Ayatollah Nabavi Hospital in Dezful [Volume 10, Number 2] |
postoperative pain, salivary pH, dental surgery
Salivary pH effect on postoperative pain in dental surgery [Volume 10, Number 3] |
pure tone audiometry
The prevalence of hearing impairment in music group of Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force [Volume 12, Number 1] |
radar workers, microwave, cataract
Effects of microwave exposure in the radar workers of Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force [Volume 12, Number 1] |
smoking, university, students, Tehran
The prevalence and associated parameters of smoking among students of Art University in Tehran [Volume 14, Number 3] |
stress, flight, pilot
Flight stress and how to overcome it [Volume 10, Number 2] |
Evaluation of related factors in pulmonary edema and aspiration pneumonia among rice tablet poisonings [Volume 16, Number 1] |
Chronic Achilles Tendon Rupture Reconstruction Using a Free Semitendinosus Tendon Graft Transfer [Volume 13, Number 3] |
Protective effect of tramadol on liver following tourniquet-induced ischemia-reperfusion injury in war battlefield [Volume 16, Number 3] |
urolithiasis, percutaneous nephrolithotomy, complications
comparison of the success rate of percutaneous nephrolithotomy with laparoscopic ureterolithotomy in proximal ureteral stones larger than 1cm [Volume 10, Number 2] |
war veterans
Evaluation of effectiveness the cognitive processing therapy on reducing anger and hostility in veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder [Volume 16, Number 1] |
Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone
The effects of incremental aerobic training and electrical stimulation on sexual biomarkers in infarcted rats [Volume 26, Number 4] |
Intellectual Disability
The effect of eight weeks of perceptual-motor exercises on executive functions and the development of fundamental motor skills in children with
intellectual disabilities [Volume 26, Number 4] |
p16 Genes
The effect of high-intensity interval training on p53 and p16 genes expression in pancreatic tissue of aged rats
fed with high-fat diet [Volume 26, Number 4] |